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1. modern families are not what they used to be
familias lson llo llas lmodernas lque leran lno
2. the concept of the traditional family is changing
está efamilia eel ecambiando ede ela econcepto
3. the modern family is no longer only composed of a married man and woman
está lun lcompuesta lúnicamente lno lmoderna lya lcasados ly lpor lfamilia luna lhombre lmujer lla
4. the traditional family will always be the main one
mayoritaria lfamilia lsiempre lserá ltradicional lla
5. within a short while the traditional family will no longer exist
familia dla dno dya dtradicional dexistir dpoco dva da dde ddentro
6. modern families reflect the reality of the 21st century
familias llas lreflejan ldel lrealidad lmodernas lsiglo lla lveintiuno
7. he truth is that I (don't) agree
yo lno lla lverdad lde l( lque) l lacuerdo les lestoy
8. more and more babies are born out of wedlock
bebés ccada cnacen cvez cmás cmatrimonio cdel cfuera
9. today there are more and more cases of divorce and separation: in the past there weren’t as many divorces as there are now
no hahora hhoy hdivorcios hde hcomo hseparación hvez hcasos hmás: h hen hdivorcio hpasado hhabía hhay htantos hcada hel ho. h
10. I am a supporter of the traditional family model because
partidario ssoy sde stradicional sdel sporque smodelo sfamilia
11. the traditional family seems to be out of date and that saddens me
eso lla lparece lpasada lestar lmoda ltradicional lde lme lentristece ly lfamilia
12. having two parents brings financial benefits
trae tdos tpadres tbeneficios ttener teconómicos
13. two salaries guarantee a greater financial stability
dos duna dgarantizan dmayor deconómica destabilidad dsueldos
14. it creates the possibility that the dad can work and the mum can stay at home with the children
que ctrabaje chijos ccon cla cen cy cel ccasa cmadre cpadre cla clos cse cquede cposibilidad cde ccrea
15. I think that the stability of a married mum and dad is essential for the wellbeing of the children
casados yestabilidad yun yde ylos ymadre yde yy yyo ybienestar yel ycreo yes yesencial yla ypara yque yniños yuna ypadre. y
16. the traditional family doesn’t guarantee success
garantiza lla ltradicional lla lfelicidad lfamilia lno
17. I get on better with my stepdad than with my dad
padrastro mcon mme mmejor mque mpadre mmi mmi mcon mllevo
18. the existence of alternative families doesn’t mean that traditional families will disappear
familias lfamilias lla lno lexistencia llas lsignifica lalternativas lde la lque lvayan ltradicionales ldesaparecer
19. diversity is a sign of a mature and healthy society
sociedad ly lla luna les lmadura lseñal lsana ldiversidad lde
20. to be more open minded
abierto sde sser smente smás