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I sent a letter ____________________ my friend ____________________ lives in New York . I hope ____________________ arrives by the end of the week . I also bought a gift ____________________ her birthday , ____________________ I plan to bring to her party next month . I didn't know what ____________________ buy , so I got ____________________ a new skirt , I hope she likes ____________________ .
I ? m ____________________ money ____________________ my vacation next year . Every week , I transfer a small amount of money ____________________ my savings account . It's important ____________________ have enough funds ____________________ unexpected expenses during the trip .
The project is due ____________________ submission by Friday , but I will try ____________________ send it ____________________ my manager by Thursday evening . I have been working hard ____________________ two weeks , and I ____________________ ? t want ____________________ miss the deadline .
I prefer ____________________ travel ____________________ warm destinations , but my brother has a preference ____________________ colder climates . Every summer , we debate where ____________________ go , but it ? s difficult ____________________ us ____________________ reach an agreement . Eventually , we end up flying ____________________ a compromise location !