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1. Simple Present Tense
2. Simple Past Tense
3. Simple Future Tense

He will travel to Germany on the weekend

It rains a lot in my country during spring.

Does he start work at nine?

Angelina will study harder the following semester.

Didn't you travel to Thailand a month ago?

The delegation arrives at 10:00 tomorrow.

I won’t tell anyone your secret.

Don’t call me at 6, because I will call at home after work.

They worked at a restaurant when he were at university.

I’ll give you a ride home after work

Brazil’s economy will continue to grow over the next 10 years.

They don't like their coffee cold.

She is clever girl as I know

I'm not lazy to see my dentist twice a year.

The team trains every single day.

I loved Judo when I was a child.

I saw a great film yesterday.

I didn't see Peter at the party last night.

I spoke to him on the phone for half an hour.