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My Daily Routine

Every morning , I ____________________ ____________________ at 7 : 00 AM . First , I ____________________ my ____________________ with my toothbrush and toothpaste . Then , I ____________________ ____________________ in my shirt , pants , and shoes . At 7 : 30 AM , I ____________________ ____________________ with my family , usually cereal and milk .

After ____________________ , I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ by bus or with my parents . School starts at 8 : 00 AM . I learn new things and play with my friends . For ____________________ ____________________ 12 : 00 PM , I usually have a sandwich or some fruit .

When ____________________ ____________________ at 3 : 00 PM , I ____________________ ____________________ . At 3 : 30 PM , I do my ____________________ and study . After that , I have some free time to ____________________ ____________________ my toys or read a book until 5 : 00 PM .

At 5 : 00 PM , I go outside to play with friends or ride my ____________________ . I come back home at 6 : 00 PM . For ____________________ ____________________ 6 : 30 PM , I eat pasta or chicken with my family .

After ____________________ , I help clean up and then watch TV or play a game until 7 : 30 PM . At 8 : 00 PM , I get ready for bed by brushing my teeth again and putting on my pajamas . Finally , I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ at 8 : 30 PM , dreaming about fun adventures .