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Die Verlaufsform der Gegenwart . ( present progressive )

Man verwendet das present progressive um auszudrücken , dass etwas gerade im Moment passiert .
Aussagen : am , is , are und - ing and das Verb . z . B . I am talking at the moment .
Verneinungen : not vor das Verb mit - ing . z . B . She is not running now .
Fragen beginnen mit are oder is .

I ____________________ ____________________ an apple . ( eat ? )
She ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ TV . ( watch ? )
Is he ____________________ a book ? ( read Yes , he is . )
We ____________________ ____________________ soccer . ( play ? )
They are not ____________________ now . ( sleep ? )
Are you ____________________ dinner ? ( cook Yes , I am . )
He is ____________________ fast . ( run ? )
She is ____________________ ____________________ water . ( drink ? )
Is the baby crying ? ( cry Yes , she is . )
____________________ are ____________________ English . ( study ? )
They are not ____________________ on the chair . ( sit ? )
Are you ____________________ ____________________ shoes ? ( wear Yes , I am . )
I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ work . ( drive ? )
She is not ____________________ the computer . ( use ? )
Is he making ____________________ ____________________ ? ( make Yes , he is . )
We are ____________________ ____________________ music . ( listen ? )
They are not ____________________ ____________________ . ( buy ? )
Are you cleaning the room ? ( clean Yes , I am . )
____________________ is taking a ____________________ . ( take ? )
She is not ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . ( meet ? )

Bedingungssätze Typ I ( if - clauses type I )
Wenn man sagen will , was unter bestimmten Bedingungen passiert , verwendet man einen If - Satz .
If - Sätze bestehen aus 2 Teilen . Den Hauptsatz mit will - Future und den Nebensatz mit if und simple present .

Verwende immer die Kurzfomen ! ( won't , 'll , doesn't , don't )

I'll take an ____________________ if it rains . ( take , ____________________ ? )
He'll eat a ____________________ ____________________ he's hungry . ( eat , be ? )
She won't pass the ____________________ if she doesn't study . ( ____________________ , study ? )
We'll play soccer if we go to the park . ( ____________________ , go ? )
You'll sleep early if you're tired . ( ____________________ , be ? )
They'll miss the ____________________ if they don't hurry . ( miss , hurry ? )
I'll say hello if I see ____________________ . ( say , see ? )
I'll assist her if she ____________________ help . ( assist , ____________________ ? )
If it's hot , we'll swim ____________________ the lake . ( be , swim ? )
The plants will die if you don't water ____________________ . ( die , water ? )
He won't go to school if he feels sick . ( go , feel ? )
We'll go to the party if they ____________________ us . ( go , invite ? )
The glass will break if you drop it . ( ____________________ , drop ? )
____________________ wear a jacket if it gets ____________________ . ( wear , get ? )
____________________ be surprised if she doesn't ____________________ . ( be , call ? )