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Adjektive und Adverbien ( adjectives and and adverbs )
Ein Adjektiv beschreibt eine Sache oder eine Person . z . B . A beautiful girl .
Ein Adverb beschreibt eine Tätigkeit . z . B . The girl sings beautifully .
Ausnahmen : fast - fast good - well

She is a ____________________ girl . ( beautiful )
He sings ____________________ . ( beautiful )
This is a ____________________ book . ( good )
She plays the piano ____________________ . ( good )
They are ____________________ children . ( happy )
She smiles ____________________ . ( happy )
That was an ____________________ movie . ( awful )
He drives ____________________ fast . ( awful )
She has a ____________________ cat . ( nice )
He treats everyone ____________________ . ( nice )
He is a ____________________ driver . ( crazy )
She laughs ____________________ . ( crazy )
He does ____________________ work . ( good )
She plays football ____________________ . ( good )

Du kennst schon Possessivebegleiter ( my , your , his , her . . . ) Mit den Possessivpronomen kannst du sagen , wem etwas gehört , wenn kein Nomen ( Namenwort ) folgt .

This is her book . ( her ) It's ____________________ .

That is his car . ( his ) It's ____________________ .

These are our cats . ( our ) They're ____________________ .

Those are their shoes . ( their ) They're ____________________ .

This is my pen . ( my ) It's ____________________ .

That is your jacket . ( your ) It's ____________________ .

These are her glasses . ( her ) They're ____________________ .

That is his phone . ( his ) It's ____________________ .

These are our chairs . ( our ) They're ____________________ .

Those are their bags . ( their ) They're ____________________ .

This is my hat . ( my ) It's ____________________ .

That is your bike . ( your ) It's ____________________ .

This is her cookie . ( her ) It's ____________________ .

That is his watch . ( his ) It's ____________________ .

These are our books . ( our ) They're ____________________ .

Die einfache Vergangenheit : Aussagen und Verneinung ( Statements and negations in simple past )

Achtung ! Hier kommen auch unregelmäßige Verben vor !
Achtung ! Verneinungen mit didn't und dem Verb in der Grundform !
Achtung ! did't be gibt es nicht ! Das heißt dann wasn't oder weren't !

She ____________________ to the store . ( ? go )

She ____________________ ____________________ to the store . ( ? go )

He ____________________ a good time . ( ? have )

He ____________________ ____________________ a good time . ( ? have )

They were at home . ( ? be )

They ____________________ at home . ( ? be )

I saw a ____________________ last night . ( ? see )

I didn't ____________________ a ____________________ last night . ( ? see )

You liked ____________________ cake . ( ? like )

You didn't ____________________ the ____________________ . ( ? like )

We played ____________________ yesterday . ( ? play )

We didn't play ____________________ yesterday . ( ? play )

She was happy ____________________ the gift . ( ? be )

She wasn't happy ____________________ the gift . ( ? be )

He finished his ____________________ . ( ? finish )

He didn't finish ____________________ ____________________ . ( ? finish )

They ate breakfast ____________________ morning . ( ? eat )

They didn't eat ____________________ ____________________ morning . ( ? eat )

I was at the park . ( ? be )

I wasn't at the park . ( ? be )

You were excited for the trip . ( ? be )

You weren't excited for ____________________ trip . ( ? be )

We watched the game ____________________ . ( ? watch )

We didn't watch the game ____________________ . ( ? watch )

She called her friend . ( ? ____________________ )

She didn't call her friend . ( ? call )

He was late to the meeting . ( ? be )

He wasn't late to the meeting . ( ? be )

They knew the answer . ( ? know )

____________________ didn't know the answer . ( ? ____________________ )