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Jouer Compléter
Die einfache Vergangenheit mit unregelmäßigen Verben .
Für Aussagen verwendest du von den auswendig gelernten unregelmäßigen Verben die 2 . Spalte .

I ____________________ at home yesterday . ( be )
She ____________________ on the ice . ( fall )
He ____________________ a new book . ( get )
We ____________________ the keys on the table . ( put )
You ____________________ it was easy . ( say )
They ____________________ to the park . ( go )
I ____________________ some bread . ( buy )
She ____________________ her homework . ( do )
He ____________________ a bird . ( see )
We ____________________ our new shoes . ( wear )
You ____________________ a good time . ( have )
They ____________________ to bed early . ( go )
I ____________________ a movie last night . ( see )
She ____________________ happy . ( be )
He ____________________ down the stairs . ( fall )
We ____________________ home late . ( get )
You ____________________ the book on the shelf . ( put )
They ____________________ goodbye . ( say )
I ____________________ a new coat . ( buy )
She ____________________ the dishes . ( do )

Bei Verneinungen in einfacher Vergangenheit ( Negations in simple past ) verwendest du didn't und das Verb in der Grundform .
z . B . I didn't do to the park last night .
Verwende die Kurzform didn't ! Wichtig : did't be gibt es nicht ! Das heißt dann wasn't oder weren't

I ____________________ at home yesterday . ( be )
She ____________________ ____________________ on the ice . ( fall )
He ____________________ ____________________ a new job . ( get )
We ____________________ ____________________ the books on the shelf . ( put )
You ____________________ ____________________ anything . ( say )
They ____________________ ____________________ to school . ( go )
I ____________________ ____________________ the milk . ( buy )
She ____________________ ____________________ her homework . ( do )
He ____________________ ____________________ the dog . ( see )
We ____________________ ____________________ our coats . ( wear )
You ____________________ ____________________ lunch . ( have )
They ____________________ ____________________ to the park . ( go )
I ____________________ ____________________ the movie . ( see )
She ____________________ happy . ( be )
He ____________________ ____________________ down . ( fall )
We ____________________ ____________________ the message . ( get )
You ____________________ ____________________ the key in the right place . ( put )
They ____________________ ____________________ goodbye . ( say )
I ____________________ ____________________ the tickets . ( buy )
She ____________________ ____________________ the dishes . ( do )
They ____________________ in the park . ( be )