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Die einfache Vergangenheit von to be . ( Simple Past with to be )
Das Verb to be hat in der Vergangenheit zwei verschiedenen Formen : was ( I , he , she , it ) und were ( we , you , they ) .
Die Formen für die Verneinung heißen was not ( wasn't ) und were not ( weren't ) .

Verwende die Kurzformen bei Verneinungen ! ( wasn't und weren't )

I ____________________ at home yesterday . ?
You ____________________ at school last week . ?
He ____________________ happy this morning . ?
She ____________________ sad yesterday . ?
It was ____________________ outside . ?
We were ____________________ in college . ?
They ____________________ at the party . ?
I wasn't ____________________ after the walk . ?
You were ____________________ kind . ?
It wasn't ____________________ last summer . ?
We were young once . ?
They were here a moment ago . ?
She was excited ____________________ the trip . ?
He wasn't at the meeting . ?
It was a sunny ____________________ . ?

Aussagen in einfacher Vergangenheit ( Statements in simple past )

Um über Dinge zu sprechen , die komplett vorbei sind , verwendet man die einfache Vergangenheit ( simple past ) .
An regelmäßige Verben ( Tunwörter ) hängt man ed an .

I walked to the ____________________ . ( walk )
She cooked dinner ____________________ night . ( cook )
He played soccer ____________________ . ( play )
They watched a movie on Friday . ( watch )
We cleaned the ____________________ on Saturday . ( clean )
You talked to your ____________________ . ( talk )
He liked the ____________________ song . ( like )
He worked all day . ( work )
I listened to ____________________ . ( listen )
They stayed at home ____________________ weekend . ( stay )
We painted the ____________________ blue . ( paint )
You visited your ____________________ . ( visit )
She danced at the ____________________ . ( dance )
He asked a ____________________ . ( ask )
I finished my ____________________ . ( finish )

Fragen in der einfachen Vergangenheit . ( Questions in simple past )
Fragen in der einfachen Vergangenheit beginnen mit Did oder mit einem Fragewort , gefolgt von Did .

Did you visit ____________________ grandparents last weekend ?
Yes , I visited them . ( ____________________ )

When did you ____________________ ____________________ room ?
I cleaned it yesterday . ( clean )

Where did she ____________________ ____________________ her ____________________ ?
She studied in ____________________ library . ( study )

What did they ____________________ ____________________ TV ?
____________________ watched a ____________________ . ( watch )

How did you ____________________ ____________________ work ?
I traveled by bus . ( travel )

Did he finish ____________________ ____________________ ?
Yes , he finished it ____________________ night . ( finish )

When did you ____________________ ____________________ meal ?
____________________ cooked it this afternoon . ( cook )

Where did they ____________________ ____________________ ?
They played at ____________________ ____________________ court . ( play )

What did she ____________________ ____________________ her art class ?
She painted a ____________________ . ( paint )

How did you fix the door ?
I fixed it by ____________________ the hinges . ( fix )

Did you listen ____________________ the ____________________ album ?
Yes , I listened to it yesterday . ( listen )

When did they ____________________ at the ____________________ ?
They arrived at 7 PM . ( arrive )

Where did you ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ?
I met them at the ____________________ . ( meet )

What did he buy from the market ?
He bought vegetables and fruits . ( buy )

How did she ____________________ ____________________ dance ?
She learned by ____________________ classes . ( learn )