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Jouer Compléter
Der unbestimmte Artikel ( ein , eine ) heißt im Englischen a oder an .
Beginnt das folgende Wort mit einem Konsonanten ( Mitlaut ) benutzt du a .
Beginnt das folgende Wort mit einem Vokal ( Selbstlaut : a , e , i , o , u ) benutzt du an .
Außnahmen gibt es , wenn man den ersten Buchstaben nicht hört ! z . B . an hour

I have ____________________ cat .
She is eating ____________________ apple .
He drives ____________________ car .
There is ____________________ book on the table .
I need ____________________ umbrella .
She wants ____________________ dog .
He bought ____________________ house .
She wore ____________________ dress .
He comes in ____________________ hour .
I saw ____________________ bird in the tree .
He ate ____________________ orange .
She found ____________________ pen on the floor .
I want ____________________ cup of tea .
He has ____________________ new job .
She made ____________________ cake .
I need ____________________ answer .

Du verwendest die Befehlsform , um jemanden aufzufordern , etwas zu tun . Der Satz beginnt mit dem Verb ( Tunwort ) .
Open the book ! Look at the door ! Be friendly !

Für Befehle , etwas nicht zu tun , kommt vor das Verb ( Tunwort ) noch Don't
Don't jump into the water ! Don't eat the pizza ! Don't sleep now !

____________________ the door . ( open )
____________________ down . ( sit )
Don't ____________________ in the house . ( not run )
____________________ your shoes off . ( take )
____________________ ____________________ the cat . ( not touch )
____________________ here . ( come )
Don't ____________________ your bag . ( not forget )
____________________ your banana . ( not eat )
____________________ ____________________ late . ( not be )
____________________ to the teacher . ( listen )
____________________ ____________________ during the movie . ( not talk )
____________________ your hands . ( wash )
____________________ ____________________ outside without a shirt . ( not go )
Be quiet . ( be )
____________________ ____________________ with the horse . ( not play )

Die Verneinung von to be : Langform : am not , is not , are not Kurzform : 'm not , isn't , aren't
Schreibe verneinte Sätze und benutze die Langform !

I am happy .
I ____________________ ____________________ happy .

He ____________________ tall .
He ____________________ ____________________ tall .

They ____________________ at school .
They ____________________ ____________________ at school .

She ____________________ in the garden .
She ____________________ ____________________ in the garden .

We ____________________ friends .
We ____________________ ____________________ friends .

It ____________________ cold today .
It ____________________ ____________________ cold today .

The cat ____________________ on the table .
The cat ____________________ ____________________ on the table .

I am tired .
I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

The books are on the shelf .
The books ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ shelf .

He ____________________ a teacher .
He ____________________ ____________________ a teacher .

They ____________________ ready .
They ____________________ ____________________ ready .

She ____________________ young .
She ____________________ ____________________ young .

We ____________________ late .
We ____________________ ____________________ late .

It ____________________ sunny .
It ____________________ ____________________ sunny .

The ____________________ ____________________ sleeping .
The ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ sleeping .

Kurzantworten mit to be ( Yes , I am . No , he is not . Yes , we are . )
Man sagt nicht einfach nur Yes oder No , sondern man bildet Kurzantworten .
Verwende die Langform !

Is the cat black ? ( Yes )
Yes , ____________________ is .

Are the apples red ? ( No )
No , they ____________________ not .

Is she at home ? ( Yes )
____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ .

Are the children playing ? ( No )
____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ not .

Is it raining ? ( Yes )
Yes , ____________________ is .

Are you hungry ? ( No )
No , I ____________________ not .

Is he a teacher ? ( Yes )
____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ .

Are the books on the table ? ( No )
____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

Is the water cold ? ( Yes )
____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ .

Are we late ? ( No )
____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

Is the dog sleeping ? ( Yes )
____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ .

Are the flowers yellow ? ( No )
No , ____________________ are ____________________ .

Is the food ready ? ( Yes )
Yes , ____________________ is .

Are they at school ? ( Yes )
Yes , ____________________ ____________________ .

Is the window open ? ( No )
No , ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .