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1. ATC
2. Coach
3. Team Physician
4. Athlete
5. Athlete's Family

Maintains supply inventory

First to see injured athlete

Healthcare professional other than the doctor

Commits to strengthing and conditioning programs

Prescribes medicine to injured athletes

Informs parents and athletes of inherent risk of sport

Have appropriate coaching licenses

Oversees Athletic Trainer

Plays the game

Works with athlete during rehab

NATA Certified

Diagnose Injuries

Takes athletes to pre-participation exam

Develops game strategy

Teach athlete skills of their sport

Provide emotional and financial support

Conducts pre-participation exams

Takes athletes to practice

Prevention of Injuries (domain)

The person, other than ATC, that makes sure PPE is fitted correctly

Keeps up with athletes records such as pre-participation exams

Refer to ATC over injured athlete

Should have education of therapeutic modalities

Makes disqualification decisions

Learns proper technique for sport

Works with ATC to prevent athletes from injury