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(gall- ) of Chol with and root ( - excision- ) meaning means combining ( - Cholecystectomy- ) cyst which means, bladder combined ( - e) term suffix excision, root the meaning ectomy ( by) medical followed the creating gallbladder vowel.
(the- ) e Cholecystitis means gall Chol ( - suffix- ) inflammation by meaning ( - with- ) term which combined, the combining ( - vowel) itis cyst followed, gallbladder meaning root bladder ( means) inflammation root of and creating medical.
(vowel- ) and the duct the creating suffix ( - Choledocholithiasis- ) means iasis condition ( - combined- ) o duct medical, ( - root) meaning root term common which lith Choledoch ( means) with stones in combining the of condition meaning bile stones bile.
(combined- ) suffix lith means with the ( - vowel- ) which Cholelithiasis Chol ( - meaning- ) means root and, iasis combining ( - term) medical the followed, gallstones condition meaning gall ( root) condition e by stones of creating.
(colon- ) by to meaning root suffix ( - colon- ) vowel followed Col ( - the- ) term and medical, pertaining rect ( - which) means combining rectum Colorectal, to o creating the ( al) pertaining meaning and with combined root rectum means.
(stomach- ) combining by medical inflammation means ( - Gastroenteritis- ) inflammation stomach intestines ( - intestines- ) meaning o root, the combined ( - of) and enter Gastr, which followed means itis ( term) with the and creating meaning vowel root suffix.
(followed- ) creating pertaining o which to ( - the- ) by with term ( - nose- ) and ic pertaining, to suffix ( - vowel) meaning combining meaning nose, means stomach stomach Nasogastric ( Nas) root means gastr medical root combined the and.
(the- ) associated the vowel and of ( - inflammation- ) combining creating with ( - meaning- ) combined o liver, hepat itis ( - root) fat meaning liver, term Steatohepatitis inflammation Steat ( with) suffix fat by which followed means root means medical.
(meaning- ) which root root stomach vowel ( - mouth- ) with combining and ( - ic- ) meaning mouth term, to the ( - o) gastr combined stomach the, suffix by Stomat pertaining ( and) pertaining to medical followed means means creating Stomatogastric.