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TA : Abd Allah , today we'll discuss a case where a patient has digestive issues . Let's start

Abd Allah : Could you explain ?

TA : Enteropathy is a disease of the intestines . ____________________ - means intestines , - ____________________ means disease , and the combining vowel - ____________________ - connects them . Patients with ____________________ often suffer from ____________________ ____________________ issues , requiring careful management and sometimes surgical intervention .

Abd Allah : so , what we do for patient suffering from it ?

TA : They might undergo an enterorrhaphy , which involves suturing the intestine . ____________________ - still refers to the intestines , - ____________________ means suturing , and the combining vowel - ____________________ - connects them . It ? s performed when the ____________________ has been ____________________ and needs repair .
TA : In another scenario , imagine a patient presenting with difficulty swallowing and severe chest pain .

Abd Allah : What ? s an esophagogram ?

TA : It ? s a ____________________ ____________________ of the ____________________ . The root ____________________ - refers to the esophagus , - ____________________ means a record or image , and the combining vowel - ____________________ - ties them together . The image helps us see any structural abnormalities in the esophagus .

Abd Allah : After the imaging , what ? s the next step ?

TA : If further examination is required , we ? d perform an esophagoscopy , which is a procedure to ____________________ the ____________________ using a specialized scope . ____________________ - refers to the esophagus , - ____________________ means the ____________________ of ____________________ , and - ____________________ - connects them . This allows us to directly observe any issues inside the esophagus .
TA : Lastly , let ? s talk about surgical interventions .

Abd Allah : What does gastroplasty involve ?

TA : It ? s the ____________________ ____________________ of the ____________________ . ____________________ - stands for stomach , - ____________________ means surgical repair , and - ____________________ - is the combining vowel . This procedure is done to ____________________ issues like ____________________ or structural deformities in the ____________________ .

Abd Allah : And if the doctor needs to examine the stomach , what tool would they use ?

TA : They ? d use a gastroscope , which is an ____________________ to ____________________ the ____________________ . ____________________ - refers to the stomach , - ____________________ means an instrument , and - ____________________ - connects them . If they ? re doing a ____________________ ____________________ , they ? d perform a ____________________ , which is the ____________________ of ____________________ the stomach using that scope .