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1. What is she going to do? 🤔 ✅
to from She be doctor career when is I graduate going Medicine a.
2. What is Carla going to do? 🤔 ✅
is 2030 to in a be teacher going Carla.
3. What are they going to do? 🤔 ✅
engineers They are next going to be year.
4. What are we going to do? 🤔❌
birthday next a Monday celebrate We not on to are going.
5. What is my family going to do? 🤔❌
on going to room the is family weekend My clean not.
6. What I am going to do?
going I to am later spaghetti cook.
7. What are Camila and Roberth to do? 🤔✅
to the at Camila Roberth a are and going have restaurant date.
8. When is Sarah going to go shopping?
Sarah to shopping is go going tomorrow.
9. Where are they going to go?
to going beach are day to go tomorrow the the They next.
10. What are you going to do? 🤔✅
the to I Student's go on going am to cinema Day.
11. What is your friend going to go? 🤔❌
is friend going December in not the to go My concert to.
12. Are you going to do exercise?
Yes, I am.
13. What is my sister going to do? 🤔✅
the Guitar going Summer classes is sister in My to take.
14. Are you going to do lose weight? 🤔❌
am, No I not.
15. What is Danny GONNA do? 🤔✅
the next is study GONNA Danny month exam for.
16. What are you GONNA do? 🤔❌
not classes GONNA We Cooking November are in take.
17. What is your nephew GONNA do? 🤔✅
week classes nephew Swimming is My next take GONNA.
18. What is everybody GONNA do? 🤔✅
on Everybody GONNA is to travel vacation Japan.