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The set of integers is comprised of natural numbers and their opposites , it ie positive numbers and their opposites that are negative .

Example :

The set of integers is defined as follows :

Z + = Positive integers

Z = negative integers

( 0 = neutral element , zero is neither positive nor negative )


If a number is positive , the absolute value is the same number and if it is negative its absolute value is the opposite . The absolute value is never negative .

Example :

- 3 = 3 reads : absolute value of minus three three

5 = 5 reads : absolute value five five

Operations with integers :


The sum of integers is divided into :

SUM OF ____________________ integers : The sum of ____________________ positive ____________________ is performed in the same way that two natural numbers are added .

WHOLE SUM OF NEGATIVE : The sum of two negative integers is obtained by adding the absolute values ? ? of the ____________________ and putting a negative sign to the result .

Procedure :

to . We place the numbers to be added in parenthesis

b . We add their ____________________ values

c . The result will put a minus sign

Example :

  ( - 48 ) + ( - 32 ) = Numbers to add

 I - I - 32I 48I + = add their absolute values

   - 80 = As a result we put a minus sign


The sum of two integers of different signs is obtained by subtracting the absolute value greater whole , the entire lower absolute value . in the result the sign of integer greater absolute value is written .

Example :

( 36 ) + ( - 15 ) + ( 14 ) + ( - 9 ) =

( ( - 15 ) + ( - 9 ) ) = L - 24l

= L - 24l

( ( 36 ) + ( 14 ) ) = l 50 l

50 - 24 = 26

Operation to be performed

We add negative integers and the result we add its absolute value .

We add the positive integers and its outcome will find absolute value .

We subtract these two results and let the result the sign of the larger number having greater absolute value .


Clausurativa : The sum of two integers gives results in another integer .
Commutative : The order of the addends does not change the result .
Associative : When you add more than two integers , how are grouped does not change the result .
Modulativa : Adding any integer zero , the result is the same integer .

( - 3 ) 18 + = 15

( - 33 ) + ( - 142 ) = ( - 142 ) + ( - 33 )

         - 175 - 175 =

( ( - 2 ) + 12 ) + ( - 5 ) = ( - 2 ) + ( 12 + ( - 5 ) )

      ( 10 ) + ( - 5 ) = ( - 2 ) + ( 7 )

            5 = 5

Modulativa ( - 3 ) + 0 = ( - 3 )

In operation a - b = c , the minuend is a , b and c is the subtrahend is the difference .

Since a reverse operation is subtraction gives the addition is performed as follows : When we add the minuend opposite the subtrahend and the result of the sum is the difference .

Symbols :

Destruction in parentheses

12 - 8 + ( 36 - 7 + 10 - 15 ) + 9

12 - 8 + 36 - 7 + 10 to 15 + 9

      67 - 30 = 37

Multiplication :

Multiply integers abbreviated means adding several integers either identical or different sign .

Procedure for multiplying integers :

1 . Multiply the numbers as if they were natural

2 . operate the signs using the following principles

Example .

( - 3 ) X ( 8 ) = - 24

Properties multiplying integers :


1 . Clausurativa : The multiplication of two natural numbers as a result gives us another natural number .

2 . commutative : The order of the factors does not alter the product .

3 . Associative : Multiplying over two natural numbers , the way they are grouped not alter the product .

4 . Modulativa or neutral element : Multiplying any natural number by one , the product is the same natural number .

5 . Distributive of multiplication with respect to addition : The product of a natural number by a specified amount , is equal to the sum of partial products of the whole for each of the addends .

to . 12 X 3 = 36

b . 17 x 7 = 119

6 x 53 = 53 x 6

  318 = 318

( 7X49X8 = 7X ( 4X8 )

   ( 28 ) X8 = 7X ( 32 )

    224 = 224

Neutral element
 2 , 574 x 1 = 2 , 574

 1 X 2 , 574 = 2 , 574

The distributive


to the sum

4X ( 5 + 2 ) = ( 4x5 ) + ( 4x2 )

     = 20 + 8

     = 28


In integer division may be the case that both numbers are positive , negative or both are having different sign . Considering the above possibilities can draw the following conclusions :

1 . The quotient of two positive integers is a positive integer

( 15 ) / ( 3 ) = 5

2 . The negative quotient of two integers is a positive integer

( - 24 ) / ( - 6 ) = 4

3 . The ratio of the division of two integers different sign is a negative integer .

( - 24 ) / ( 6 ) = - 4

In integer division the same laws that are used for multiplication are met .