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1 . A good friend ? s love and support is like the wind beneath a bird ? s ____________________ .

2 . My piano teacher always told me : ? ____________________ makes perfect . You must never forget that ! ?

3 . He ? s just a ( n ) ____________________ man . He leads a very simple life . No high ambitions , no major goals ?

4 . My philosophy in life has been the same since I was young : I never rush things , I believe in ? ____________________ but sure ! ? .

5 . ? We have come here today to honour our ancestors who ____________________ for peace , freedom and democracy ? , said the Prime Minister .

6 . This game requires great ____________________ : you must pay attention to your opponents ? reactions in order to guess their next move .

7 . Come on ! You ? ll feel much better if you ____________________ your legs and arms a bit ! You need to exercise a bit if you want to keep fit .

8 . We were all deeply ____________________ when we were informed that the concert had to be cancelled due to the severe weather forecast ; we had travelled such a long way to watch our favourite band on stage .

9 . Pamela ? s fingers are really ____________________ but she can play the piano so well !

10 . We ____________________ with various photos for our new CD cover but we finally decided to use a plain background .