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Good morning ! Today , we ? re going to learn about the pulse . Can you tell me what you know about pulse ?

Student : It ? s related to the number of ____________________ , right ?

TA : Exactly ! The pulse is the ____________________ of ____________________ per ____________________

TA : Let ? s talk about pulse the normal rate . What do you think is considered a normal pulse rate for adults ?

Student : I think it ? s around ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ?

TA : Yes dear ! The normal range is typically between ____________________ to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .
TA : Now , let ? s discuss pulse rhythm . What does this term mean ?

Student : Is it about how the ____________________ of the heart beats look like ?

TA : Perfect ! ____________________ refers to the pattern of beats ? whether they are ____________________ or ____________________ . A regular rhythm means that ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the ____________________ are equal , while an irregular rhythm indicate an underlying issue .
TA : Next , let ? s examine pulse volume . How would you describe that ?

Student : I think it ? s about ____________________ ____________________ the pulse feels ?

TA : Exactly ! Pulse volume can be graded on a scale from ____________________ to + ____________________ . 0 means ____________________ ____________________ , + ____________________ means weak pulse , + 2 means ____________________ ____________________ , + ____________________ means strong pulse , + 4 means ____________________ ____________________ . This gives us clues about blood circulation .