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Professor Kim : Let's break down some terms related to your symptoms . First , if we talk about an irregular or absent heartbeat rhythm , that's called ____________________ . The term arrhythmia can be divided into ____________________ - ( lack of ) , - ____________________ - ( rhythm ) , and - ____________________ ( condition ) . So , arrhythmia means a ____________________ where there's a ____________________ of ____________________ ____________________ .

Student A : Got it . What about the blood clot situation ?

Professor Kim : That's called ____________________ . The term thrombosis breaks down into ____________________ - ( blood clot ) and - ____________________ ( abnormal condition ) . So , ____________________ refers to an ____________________ ____________________ involving a ____________________ ____________________ in the vascular system .

Student B : I remember the patient had phlebitis before . How does that fit in ?

Professor Kim : Good question . ____________________ is inflammation of a vein . It combines ____________________ - ( vein ) with - ____________________ ( inflammation ) , indicating that there ? s ____________________ in a ____________________ .

Student A : Are there any other conditions we should consider ?

Professor Kim : Yes , we should also look for angiomas and embolisms . An ____________________ is a tumor of a blood vessel , with ____________________ - ( blood vessel ) and - ____________________ ( tumor ) . An ____________________ refers to an ____________________ in a ____________________ ____________________ , which breaks down into ____________________ - ( obstruction ) and - ____________________ ( condition ) .
Professor Kim : Today , we ? re going to cover some cardiovascular terms and their meanings . Let's start with the term cardiac . Who can tell me what it means ?

Student A : ____________________ refers to the heart .

Professor Kim : Exactly . The term cardiac breaks down into the root ____________________ - ( heart ) and the suffix - ____________________ ( pertaining to ) . So , cardiac means ____________________ to the ____________________ . Now , if a patient has ____________________ , what does that term describe ?

Student B : It describes inflammation of a heart ____________________ .

Professor Kim : Correct ! Valvulitis consists of the root ____________________ - ( valve ) and the suffix - ____________________ ( inflammation ) , indicating that there is ____________________ of a ____________________ . Finally , if we ? re dealing with fatty deposits in the arteries and need to perform a procedure to remove them , we would use the term ____________________ . What does that mean ?

Student C : Atherectomy is the ____________________ of ____________________ ____________________ .

Professor Kim : Right . Atherectomy combines the root ____________________ - ( fatty plaque ) and the suffix - ____________________ ( excision of ) , so it means the surgical ____________________ of ____________________ ____________________ . Understanding these terms is essential because they frequently come up in cardiology .
Dr . Adams : Today , let ? s review some terms related to your recent procedure . We performed a ____________________ . Who can break down this term ?

Student A : ____________________ means the removal of a vein . The root ____________________ - refers to the vein , and the suffix - ____________________ means excision or removal .

Dr . Adams : Exactly . ____________________ involves removing a vein . We also identified a ____________________ during the procedure . What ? s that ?

Student B : A ____________________ is a blood clot . The term thrombus has the root ____________________ - meaning blood clot , and the suffix - ____________________ , which is a noun - forming ending .

Dr . Adams : Correct ! Fortunately , the thrombus was small and didn ? t cause complications . We ? ll keep an eye out for any signs of ____________________ . What does that term mean ?

Student C : ____________________ refers to an obstruction in a blood vessel . The root ____________________ - means obstruction , and the suffix - ____________________ indicates a condition .

Dr . Adams : Exactly . An ____________________ is when a clot or other obstruction travels through the bloodstream and blocks a vessel . Lastly , we performed ____________________ . What does this term describe ?

Student D : ____________________ is the removal of plasma from the blood . The root ____________________ - refers to the plasma , and the suffix - ____________________ means removal .

Dr . Adams : Correct . ____________________ helps remove harmful substances from the blood , which is useful for managing certain conditions . Well done , everyone !