Anxiety, restless, irritable, fine hand tremors
thyrotoxicosis (excessive T3/T4)
50% pts dont have sx.
emergency tx: Calcitonin+Corticosteroid push
Myxedema : severe hypothyroidism
Fatigue, lethargy, slow speech
radiation to head and neck
pt needs follow up tests
humidified O2
renal calculi (Ca)
avoid coffee, soda, tea, ETOH
bone decalcification
avoid stress and smoking
production stops when concentration increases
psychosis as Ca reaches brain
supplement Ca, and inc it in diet
bone fracture/ demineralization
tachycardia >130
Thiazides PRN
phosphate retention caused by kidney issue
N and V
Autoimmune: Graves
Post op tetany, seizures, resp distress
eat high protein, calorie you're high metabolism
>2L water daiy
damage, atrophy to thyroid
follow up labs and edu pt on sx of inc. Ca
nutrition imbalance
Aims at a goal like birth
cold intolerance
Monitor for dyspnea, hematoma, laryngeal nerve injury
thick dry skin, increased hand/feet/tongue size
Combo of antithyroid,radioactive iodine, surgery
permanent hyperthyroidism
Thin skin, finger clubbing
IV fluid with dextrose
eat high Ca foods and take supplements
Ca> 13
increased concentration = increased production
surgical complications
IODINE ( to dec T4 output)
Tachycardia, palpitation
Respiratory weakness
Cardiac dysfunction during treatment
look for sx of cardiac issue; meds that inc. metabolism inc. ACS risk
vit D deficiency
production increases when concentration increases
Autoimmune: Hashimoto (most common cause)
avoid thiazides
abnormal parathyroid development
eat small frequent foods
iron deficiency
muscle weak
keep pt. moving, weight bearing exercise
careful with sedatives; add to slowed metabolism, resp depression
prevent interaction with adrenergics, warfarin, insulin, estrogen
expressionless mask like face
Hydrocortisone (tx. shock, renal issue)
numbness, tingling, cramps
arrhythmia fixed by IV Ca glutonate pushed SLOWLY
ex: pancreas releasing insulin
Watch for thyroid storm
change diet to lose weight and dec. constipation
muscle pain
HyperCalcemic crisis
lithium, and other meds taken to fix hyperthyroidism
Avoid cold until pt stable
take meds first thing in the morning on empty stomach
result in neuro, cardio, kidney issue
aims for homeostasis
Give cold liquid, soft food
give IV calcium glutonate to keep Ca (9-10)
parathormone overproduction
edu on menstrual change
cooling blanket, ice pack, cool room
Common-Thyroid Hypertrophy, fixed by thyroidectomy
look for tetany
HTN, dysrythmia
Methimazole (antithyroid)
edu on impact on ADL, psych
tx: Rehydration via IV isotonic
avoiding infection in PRIORITY
anxiety, depression, irritability
Take rests
Give meds first thing in the morning on empty stomach
decreased metabolism, weight gain
constipation gastric atrophy
ex: oxytocin in child birth
Look for bleeding
NO radioactive iodine for preg/lact/planning to concieve
Pt is semifowler, humidifier, reduce talking
Heat intolerance
Surgical removal of parathyroid
restrict Ca intake
Meds are lifelong meds, but sx go away in time
toxic adenoma
assess surgical site
recurrent hyperthyroidism
kidney stones/damage
Give vit D
increased metabolism, weight loss
destroyed parathyroids
Avoid milk, egg yolk to dec Phosphorus