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1. order the sentence in the passive present affirmative form
the eaten mango is by him
2. order the sentence in passive present negative form
the eaten hot dog not by her is
3. order the sentence in passive present interrogative form
stolen the by car him is ?
4. order the sentence in passive past affirmative form
the Dani by played was game
5. order the sentence in passive past negative form
hit yesterday car a not by was Attila
6. order the sentence in passive past interrogative form
hit yesterday car Was by a Attila?
7. order the sentence in passive future affirmative form
tomorrow jhon by the will te be drunk
8. order the sentence in passive future negative form
be not the by child his will father punished
9. order the sentence in passive future interrogative form
Will bought the by toy be a child?
10. order the sentence in passive going to affirmative form
him be the are dishes to going by washed
11. order the sentence in passive going to negative form
the criminals caught by to the policeman going be aren't
12. order the sentence in passive going to interrogative form
going the the be are to eaten fish cats by?
13. order the sentence in passive infinitive affirmative form
be need by sneakers the washed to you
14. order the sentence in passive infinitive negative form
owner expected on is dog train the the by not his
15. order the sentence in passive infinitive interrogative form
painted Is house their blue?