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1 ) Volunteers , our special event is tomorrow . Remember you need to wear comfortable clothes . Don't wear ( 1 ) ____________________ ones . Wear a red ( 2 ) ____________________ . Don't wear a jacket and wear blue ( 3 ) ____________________ . Bring your ( 4 ) ____________________ - ____________________ - ____________________ cell phone . Oh , and ladies , don't bring a ( 5 ) ____________________ . We don't have anywhere to put them .

2 ) A : Can you tell me about this digital camera ?
B : Yes , this is a new camera . It's very ( 1 ) ____________________ - ____________________ - ____________________ and it's more ( 2 ) ____________________ than this bigger camera over here . It's very ( 3 ) ____________________ , too . You can take great photos with it .
A : Yes , it is small . I can carry it in my ( 4 ) ____________________ or my wife can put it in her ( 5 ) ____________________ .