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I play netball in my ____________________ time .
____________________ school , I do my homework .
I ____________________ to read books .
On ____________________ , I go to the park .
Our team wants to ____________________ the ____________________ game .
We have a lot ____________________ fun together .
Our ____________________ practices every week .
We ____________________ during ____________________ .
I ____________________ at the animal ____________________ shelter .
I love every ____________________ at the shelter .
The shelter is ____________________ the edge of town .
I go to the ____________________ at the ____________________ .
I watch a science ____________________ film .
We found a cool lamp at the ____________________ market .
I like to ____________________ old books .
My friend knows how to ____________________ a sale .
We go to the market ____________________ Saturday .
Each stall sells ____________________ ____________________ .
That ____________________ sells handmade jewelry .
I ____________________ the prices on the tags .
The ____________________ of the cake is five pounds .
We ____________________ cakes and cookies .
I baked a ____________________ for the school fair .
How ____________________ is the bread ? ____________________ two pounds .
That toy is ____________________ ; it's twenty pounds .
I bought a ____________________ about dinosaurs .
I save my ____________________ to buy books .
I ____________________ playing soccer too .
I ____________________ collect stamps .
My cousin lives in ____________________ .
I bought a ____________________ - hand bike .
Our team won the ____________________ !
There are ____________________ players on our team .
I turn ____________________ next month .
My brother is ____________________ years old .
My ____________________ is fourteen .
My grandma is ____________________ years old .
My grandpa is ____________________ .
I have one ____________________ stamps in my collection .
I go shopping with my ____________________ .
I'll ____________________ it , that book looks interesting .
I read about animals on the ____________________ .
I started a ____________________ about nature .
I write stories for ____________________ .
I want to travel the ____________________ .
My blog is ____________________ animals .
You can ____________________ me on my blog .
I get ____________________ at seven o'clock .
My mom works ____________________ a hospital .
I ____________________ ____________________ for my little brother .
My dad will ____________________ home late tonight .
We go ____________________ bed at nine ____________________ .
My aunt lives in the ____________________ .
I visit my ____________________ every Sunday .
I like chicken ____________________ .
I ate a ____________________ for my snack .
We watch movies ____________________ the ____________________ .
I want ____________________ visit ____________________ .
There's a ____________________ shopping ____________________ near our house .
The ____________________ is my favorite place .
I like ____________________ in the sea .
It's fun to ____________________ .
I always ____________________ homework after school .
We ____________________ breakfast at eight .
We eat ____________________ at six .
We drink ____________________ in the afternoon .
After that , we watch TV .
We hang ____________________ with friends at ____________________ .
We relax at the ____________________ .
I found a book ____________________ the flea ____________________ .
I read a ____________________ story .
The ____________________ is about a police ____________________ .
He ____________________ ____________________ the park .
Every morning , I ____________________ the dog ____________________ a walk .
We walk ____________________ the snack ____________________ .
A ____________________ asked us for directions .
There were other women at the park too .
A ____________________ was selling balloons .
There were many ____________________ playing chess .
This is ____________________ first ____________________ I've been here .
____________________ left their bag on the bench .
The ____________________ at the stall was very happy .
Let's ____________________ to the ice cream shop .
The detective found a ____________________ near the ____________________ .
Please throw the ____________________ in the bin .
The door was ____________________ when I tried to open it .
I have a ____________________ about our homework .
We found old toys in the ____________________ .
I need to ____________________ for my lost book .
A ____________________ was seen in our garden last night .
We have a ____________________ with the leaking faucet .
He won the ____________________ race at the sports day .