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My ____________________ is very cozy .
I ____________________ read books at night .
We relax in the ____________________ room .
The bathroom is ____________________ the bedroom .
I ____________________ wake up early .
We have a ____________________ pig as a pet .
I need to empty the ____________________ .
She likes to ____________________ her room .
He helps to ____________________ the house .
The guinea pig lives in a ____________________ .
I have to take ____________________ the trash .
I eat breakfast ____________________ school .
Please load the ____________________ after dinner .
I enjoy ____________________ with my mom .
I ____________________ miss a meal .
He will ____________________ the living room .
The ____________________ is my favorite place .
The ____________________ is clean and tidy .
I like to ____________________ Italian food .
She will ____________________ the sheets .
My clothes are in the ____________________ .
I have a ____________________ for my books .
There are two ____________________ above the desk .
I hung a picture on the ____________________ .
I do my homework at the ____________________ .
The ____________________ gives a lot of light .
I have a ____________________ of my favorite band .
I ____________________ it will rain today .
I ____________________ the movie was great .
This is the ____________________ cake ever .
He reads a ____________________ every night .
The ____________________ is soft and warm .
This chair is ____________________ than the old one .
We bought a ball at the ____________________ shop .
These ____________________ are my ____________________ .
My ____________________ hurts after running .
My ____________________ are cold in the winter .
____________________ shoes are too large .
The book is ____________________ but good .
She is taller ____________________ her brother .
I prefer ____________________ flowers over there .
I want to try ____________________ this jacket .
The park is ____________________ to the school .
Her new T - ____________________ is pretty .
The pants are too ____________________ .
The weather today is ____________________ than yesterday .
I live in the ____________________ .
____________________ likes the new movie .
I have ____________________ a lot of homework .
We eat breakfast at half past ____________________ .
I ____________________ my hands before eating .
He goes to ____________________ by car .
I wake up ____________________ every day .
The time is quarter ____________________ eight .
We leave at ____________________ to nine .
I help to look ____________________ my sister .
The dog will ____________________ at strangers .
The cat loves to run ____________________ .
I ____________________ every morning .
Yesterday , I ____________________ five kilometers .
I want to ____________________ a new language .
This ____________________ is hard to spell .
He likes to ____________________ the ball .
I ____________________ the ball far .
I need to ____________________ early tonight .
I ____________________ for eight hours .
Today was a ____________________ day .