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1. Saying "No" when you're too busy
2. Saying "No" and apologize
3. Saying "No" and feeling bad about it.
4. Replace "No" with "Maybe"

Thanks for the invitation, but ...

I'll have to pass this time.

No, I can't do you a favour.

Could we do it another time?

I wish I had more time.

Let me think about it.

Mmm, I don't really like karaoke.

You know I'd love to, but I can't.

I can't. I'm so sorry!

I don't think I have time.

My schedule is completly full.

Maybe later on when I have more time.

I just want to go home. Sorry.

Let's take a rain check.

My apologies, but it's not possible.

I appreciate the offer, but ...

No way

I don't think it will work, I'm sorry.

I'm afraid I can't right now.

Sorry, I'm going to the gym.