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The ____________________ gave a speech on TV .
I have ____________________ a prize in the contest .
We are going on a trip ____________________ the USA .
The view from the mountain was ____________________ .
We hiked through the ____________________ yesterday .
Texas is a large ____________________ in the US .
Yellowstone is a famous ____________________ park .
It is important to ____________________ the environment .
I want to ____________________ a tree in the backyard .
The ____________________ is known for its diverse culture .
The ____________________ ____________________ is where astronauts train .
____________________ is the third planet from the sun .
The ____________________ American culture is very rich .
____________________ explorers came to America long ago .
For ____________________ , apples and oranges are fruits .
An ____________________ of a mammal is a dog .
The flag ____________________ for freedom and unity .
Staying ____________________ with friends is important .
We are planning a ____________________ to the beach .
The flowers in the garden are ____________________ .
The ____________________ celebrated its independence day .
Many Native Americans live on a ____________________ .
Social ____________________ helps us stay connected .
I want to ____________________ this funny ____________________ with you .
We should help ____________________ ____________________ with homework .
She likes to ____________________ pictures of herself .
Health is the ____________________ ____________________ thing in life .
It is ____________________ to eat healthy food .
This puzzle is the ____________________ ____________________ one .
Some math problems are ____________________ to solve .
I read an interesting article in the ____________________ .
____________________ sugar is better for your health .
I am very ____________________ ____________________ science .
We watched a ____________________ last night .
The summer ____________________ was a lot of fun .
Learning new skills is ____________________ .
We are going ____________________ this weekend .
The team ____________________ ____________________ down the river .
I have told that joke for the ____________________ time .
Be ____________________ when crossing the street .
A good ____________________ helps their team succeed .
The ____________________ floated smoothly ____________________ the river .
The ____________________ firefighter saved the cat .
The ____________________ knocked over my sandcastle .
The ____________________ ____________________ carried the boat quickly .
We walked ____________________ the bridge to get to the park .
The canoe might ____________________ ____________________ if we're not careful .
Be careful not to ____________________ ____________________ of the boat .
I need to ____________________ ____________________ early for school .
We bought snacks from the ____________________ .
The soccer ____________________ was wet from the rain .
He managed to ____________________ the winning goal .
She will ____________________ the ball into the goal .
The shape of the ball is ____________________ .
The ball went ____________________ the ____________________ .
____________________ is a popular sport in the US .
The ____________________ hit the ball hard .
The runner reached first ____________________ safely .
We played an ____________________ game when it rained .
He made a ____________________ and scored two points .
You need to ____________________ the ball in basketball .
____________________ is a popular activity at school .
The ____________________ led the crowd in a chant .
Coaches help to ____________________ their teams .
The frog can ____________________ very high .
He got 100 ____________________ on his test .
My favorite ____________________ in school is science .
She has a detailed ____________________ on social media .
I have a ____________________ who lives in Japan .
The character in the story did not ____________________ .
They live in a nice ____________________ .
You should believe in ____________________ .
My ____________________ color is blue .
____________________ can be challenging but fun .
We watched a play at the ____________________ .
The music ____________________ was very exciting .
We had lunch at a small ____________________ .