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[ Scene : Museum of Prehistoric History , Ross and a co - worker ( Marsha ) are setting up an exhibit which includes some mannequins of cave people . ]

Ross : Marsha , these are cave people . Okay ? They have issues like 'Gee , that glacier's getting ____________________ close . ' ____________________ ?
Marsha : Speaking of ____________________ , isn't that your ex - wife ?
( Carol , Ross's ex - wife , has entered behind them and is standing outstide the exhibit . )
Ross : ( trying to ignore her ) No . No .
Marsha : Yes , it is . Carol ! Hi !
Ross : Okay , okay , yes , it is . ( waves ) How about I'll , uh , ____________________ ____________________ with you in the Ice Age .
( Marsha extis and Ross waves Carol into the exhibit . )
Ross : Hi .
Carol : So .
Ross : You ____________________ great . I , uh . . . I hate that .
Carol : Sorry . You look good ____________________ .
Ross : Ah , well , in here , anyone who . . . stands erect . . . So what's ____________________ ? Still , uh . . .
Carol : A lesbian ?
Ross : Well . . . you never know . How's , um . . how's the family ?
Carol : Marty's still totally ____________________ . Oh , and , uh -
Ross : Why - why are you here , Carol ?
Carol : I'm ____________________ .
Ross : Pregnant ? !

[ Scene : Monica and Rachel's , Chandler , Joey , Phoebe , and Monica are watching Three's Company . ]
Chandler : Oh , I think this is the episode of Three's Company where there's some ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .
Phoebe : . . . Then I've already seen this one ! ( ____________________ ____________________ the TV . )
( Rachel enters from her room . )
Rachel : Has anybody seen my ____________________ ____________________ ?
Phoebe : Yeah , it's beautiful .
Rachel : Oh God , oh God , oh God oh God oh God oh God . . . . ( Starts to look under the couch cushions . )
Phoebe : No , look , don't ____________________ that !
Rachel : Oh , like I wasn't dreading tomorrow ____________________ , having to give it back to him . . . 'Hi Barry ! ____________________ ____________________ ? I'm the girl in the veil who ____________________ ____________________ your heart in front of your entire family ! ' Oh God and now I'm ____________________ have to ____________________ the ring , ____________________ the ring , which makes it so much harder . . .
Monica : ____________________ Rach , we'll find it . ( To all ) ____________________ we !
Chandler and Joey : Oh ! Yeah !
Joey : Alright , when'd'ya have it on last ?
Phoebe : Doy ! Probably ____________________ ____________________ she lost it !
Chandler : You don't get a lot of 'doy' these days . . .
Rachel : I know I had it this morning , and I know I had it when I was in the kitchen with . . .
Chandler : . . . Dinah ?
Rachel : ( looks at the lasagne and realizes something ) Ohhhhh , don't be ____________________ . . .
Monica : You didn't .
Rachel : Oh , I am sorry . . .
Monica : I gave you one job ! ( Starts to examin the lasagne through the bottom of the glass pan . )
Rachel : Oh , but look how ____________________ those noodles are !
Chandler : Now , Monica , you know that's not how you look for an ____________________ ____________________ in a lasagne . . .
Monica : ( puts down the lasagne ) I just . . . can't do it .
Chandler : Boys ? We're ____________________ ____________________ .
( Chandler , Joey , and Phoebe start to pick through the lasagne as there's a knock on the door which Monica answers . )
Ross : ( standing outside the door ) . . . . . Hi .
Monica : Wow . That is not a happy hi .
Ross : Carol's ____________________ .
Phoebe : ( while everyone else is stunned ) Ooh ! I found it !