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The ____________________ language is spoken in Wales .
We went on a thrilling ____________________ ____________________ through the forest .
The old ____________________ stood on a hill overlooking the town .
We waited ____________________ it was dark to see the fireworks .
The team played hard ____________________ their rivals .
The ____________________ countryside is very beautiful .
It's a ____________________ to eat turkey on Thanksgiving .
He learned to play the ____________________ last year .
The ____________________ Highlands are stunning .
The ____________________ ____________________ is a traditional Scottish sport .
He wore a ____________________ at the festival .
She wore a red ____________________ to the party .
Our trip to the mountains was a great ____________________ .
I can't ____________________ ____________________ the holidays to start .
I have ____________________ a new friend at school .
I have ____________________ many photos on this trip .
I have ____________________ finished my homework .
We need to ____________________ our bags for the trip .
I ____________________ arrived at the station .
The ____________________ has all the information you need .
I'm going to ____________________ rock ____________________ next weekend .
He plays ____________________ every Saturday .
I have ____________________ my chores for the day .
I have ____________________ that movie before .
I watched the game on ____________________ last night .
We ____________________ to buy tickets for the concert .
You need to be ____________________ to lift heavy weights .
She stays ____________________ by jogging every morning .
I have not helped Mum ____________________ with the cleaning .
We need to ____________________ our tickets soon .
I have ____________________ to London twice .
I ____________________ brush my teeth before bed .
We ____________________ to go to the beach .
I have ____________________ ____________________ joining a club .
I don't want to swim ____________________ , it's too cold .
Have you ____________________ been to Paris ?
I haven't ____________________ been to Munich .
This book is ____________________ ; I couldn't put it down .
I have ____________________ a new jacket for winter .
He ____________________ early to catch his flight .
The ____________________ by the window is the best .
She hasn't called ____________________ ; maybe she's busy .
The show is very ____________________ with teenagers .
They enjoy ____________________ at the club .
The secret is ____________________ you and me .
Be careful , that road can be ____________________ .
I ____________________ eat fast food .
Hammer ____________________ is an Olympic event .
The ____________________ is heavy and hard to throw .
The ____________________ was made of strong metal .
You need to ____________________ the hammer around before throwing it .
He is as ____________________ as Tom , but a little taller .
____________________ ____________________ is a traditional Scottish sport .
The ____________________ was heavy and difficult to lift .
She had to ____________________ between two desserts .
We found a better ____________________ to solve the problem .
They learned a new ____________________ for the competition .
The knight carried a long ____________________ .
Her ____________________ was about the history of art .
This is the ____________________ interesting book I've read .
Learning about other ____________________ is fascinating .
The entrance to the museum is ____________________ today .
Our ____________________ ____________________ in France is called Avignon .