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Jouer Compléter
* Hey ! ! What ____________________ you do ?

- ____________________ in the Secretary ____________________ and you ?

* I'm in the research and ____________________ team area .
* Did you ____________________ the organizational chart of the ____________________ ? I helped doing .

- Yes , was so ____________________ . I didn't understand .

* Why not ? Come ____________________ . I will explain about the functions of ____________________ charge . It's ____________________ easy !

- Well . . . . but if better , ____________________ take a break to ____________________ a coffee ? I'm ____________________ hungry ! , remember that we need to call the logistics to begin to coordinate the event to be ____________________ at night , and we ____________________ ____________________ finish the ____________________ proposal .

* If we ____________________ the lunch ! ! ! That's why you are so ____________________ ! ! Thanks for remember ____________________ .

- Let's complementing ____________________ proposal while . .

* While we ____________________ on our way ____________________ ____________________ restaurant ?

- Exactly ! ____________________ on !