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1. What does the upcoming prefix mean?
(An absence or) or without ( prefix A means of)
2. What does the upcoming prefix mean?
(Ab) means Away ( from prefix)
3. What does the upcoming prefix mean?
(means) Ad Toward ( or near prefix)
4. What does the upcoming prefix mean?
(prefix) of Acro ( means extremities the body)
5. What does the upcoming prefix mean?
(Ambi) means prefix ( Both)
6. What does the upcoming prefix mean?
(means) prefix Before ( Ante)
7. What does the upcoming prefix mean?
(means) prefix Self ( Auto own or)
8. What does the upcoming prefix mean?
(prefix) Bi Two ( means or double)
9. What does the upcoming prefix mean?
(means) Brady prefix ( Slow)
10. What does the upcoming prefix mean?
(prefix) means Circum ( Around)