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Sarah got 100% in her maths exam . She's very ____________________ .
Frank never says 'hello' when he meets people . He's very ____________________
Betty loves sleeping and she doesn't help her parents in the home . She's ____________________
Harry's got a lot of friends . Everybody wants to be with him . He's ____________________ .
When the dog saw the little boy in the cold , fast river , he jumped in to help him . He was very ____________________ .
Richard runs behind small animals to catch their tails . He isn't nice to them . He's ____________________ .
I took a photo of a moon shining on a lake with a waterfall . It's ____________________ .
Oliver helps his grandma . He goes to the supermarket and helps her with her shopping . He's a ____________________ boy .
Emma and Katy always say 'hello' to the people who they meet . They're ____________________
Our history teacher's brillant . We're never bored because his lessons are always ____________________ .