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1. The Twilight Zone
2. The Avengers
3. M*A*S*H
4. China Beach
5. Sledge Hammer

A town gets invaded by aliens portraying real life cold war tension of a possible invasion by the Soviets

Vigilante justice and a tough-nosed “us vs. them” mentality fueled by the Cold War.

This shows is about British Spies uncovering espionage.

Aired on Sept. 17, 1972

This show takes place during the Vietnam war.

Aired on Oct. 2, 1959

This show featured real veterans.

It's about a team that are station in South Korea during the Korean War

Aired on January 7, 1961

Aired on September 23, 1986

Aired from April 27, 1988 - July 22, 1991