Créer une activité
Jouer Relier Colonnes

Ne jem sladkih marelic

Ne maram sladkega čaja

Ne maram zelenjave

Ne jem dobrih piškotov

Ne maram mrzle kave

Ne maram piva in sadja

Ne jem zrelih jabolk

Ne jem zjtrka

Ne maram kruha

Ne jem kosila

Ne jem večerjo

Nimam brata

Ne maram vročega mleka

I don't like bread

I don't eat breakfast

I don't eat lunch

I don't eat dinner

I don't like vegetables

I don't eat sweet apricots

I don't like beer and fruit

I don't like sweet tea

I don't like cold tea

I don't like hot milk

I don't eat ripe apples

I don't have a brother

I don't eat good biscuits

Veliko špagetov

Malo salame

Steklenica piva

Malo testenin

Veliko jabolk

Kila kruha

Veliko sadje

Lots of fruit

Kilo of bread

Some salami

Lots of apples

Lots of spagetti

Some testenine

A bottle of beer

Iz Berlina

Ogled mesta

Iz Pariza

Iz Kranja

Ogled Celja

Ogled Ljubljane

Ogled Pirana

Iz Celja

Iz Barcelone

Iz Osla

Iz Ljubljane

Iz Londona

I toured the city

From Berlin

I toured Ljubljana

I toured Celje

From London

I toured Piran

From Paris

From Celja

From Kranj

From Ljubljana

From Barcelona

From Oslo