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1 . Let's go out . It ____________________ ____________________ now . ( not / rain )

2 . Julia is very good at languages . She ____________________ four languages

very well . ( speak )

3 . Hurry up ! Everybody ____________________ ____________________ for you . ( wait )

4 . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to the radio ? ( you / listen )

No , you can turn it off .

5 . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to the radio every day ? ( you / listen )

No , just occasionally .

6 . How is your English ?

Not bad . It ____________________ ____________________ slowly . ( improve )

7 . Ron is in London at the moment . He ____________________ ____________________ ( stay ) at the Park

Hotel . He ____________________ ____________________ ( always / stay ) there when he's in London .

8 . Can you drive ?

I ____________________ ____________________ ( learn ) . My father ____________________ ____________________ me . ( teach )

9 . Normally I ____________________ ( finish ) work at 5 . 00 , but this week I ____________________ ____________________

( work ) until 6 . 00 to earn a bit more money .