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1. siempre
on is always John Fridays exhausted
2. usualmente
goes mall Carolina to the usually
3. a menudo
often videogames David plays
4. a veces
sometimes homework help my me Mathew can with
5. nunca
never lies to You must parents your tell
6. casi nunca
his remembers wife's ever hardly birthday Ivan
7. rara vez
is stressed Mary work rarely at
8. frecuentemente
Peter's house frequently you at Are?
9. no a menudo
dinner on Sundays cooks seldom Katy
10. normalmente
Physics their normally class attend They
11. una vez al mes
museum once a month to Do you go the?
12. dos veces a la semana
the twice to week Robert cinema a going loves
13. todos los días
tidies every day Sarah her flat
14. nunca
on holidays She home never is
15. todos los días
walk every the to Charlie must day office
16. a menudo
the bus They take often
17. tres veces al día
times three a their brush Some teeth day people
18. a veces
breakfast has sometimes Michael
19. frecuentemente
lesson to Can come frequently the they Karate?
20. usualmente
people barks Hannah's usually at dog street the in
21. dos veces al día
twice a veggies don't eat day I
22. no a menudo
her homework Science forgets Peggy seldom
23. una vez al día
mother coffee a My day black drinks once
24. a menudo
in takes the father step afternoon Angie's nap often a
25. casi nunca
They hardly the ever Mathematics understand subjects