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This is the company Smith and Bauer .
It ____________________ ( is / are ) a tech company located in Sao Paulo .
It ____________________ ( have / has ) 10 years of experience in the market .

The company ____________________ ( have / has ) more than 100 employees in Latin America and Europe .
It ____________________ ( have / has ) 2 main offices : one in Sao Paulo and one in London .
The office in Brazil ____________________ ( have / has ) a nice cafeteria , but it doesn't ____________________ ( have / has ) a terrace .

The company ? s CEO ____________________ ( are / is ) Mr Bauer . He ____________________ ( am / is ) based in London .
S&B has many competitors in the market , so it ____________________ ( focus / focuses ) on customer service as a strength .

The board ____________________ ( want / wants ) to increase the sales this years . So , they are hiring new staff .
Mr Bauer ____________________ ( want / wants ) to hire employees that study English .
But , he doesn't ____________________ ( need / needs ) people that are advanced .

They ____________________ ( plan / plans ) to be in the top 10 most important companies of Latin America in their market .