Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
You don't ____________________ up ____________________ seven ____________________
I ____________________ ____________________ to musi c
We don't ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ school at ____________________ ____________________ eigh t
We ____________________ play ____________________ ____________________ compute r
We ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ at half ____________________ seve n
They ____________________ ____________________ sandwic h
I ____________________ ____________________ dishes with my parent s
She ____________________ ____________________ the ca r
You ____________________ on the ____________________
I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the ____________________
We ____________________ a chocolate ____________________
We ____________________ ____________________ at ____________________ ____________________ si x
He ____________________ ____________________ homework at five ____________________
They ____________________ ____________________ rock musi c
I ____________________ my ____________________ ____________________ the mornin g