Federalists and Anti-federalists were two opposing...
A series of essays published to promote the ratification of the Constitution
This group advocated for a strong central government.
This group advocated for strong state governments.
The document that outlines how the U.S. government works; the "Supreme Law of the Land"
Federalists and Anti-Federalists argued over whether or not this addition to the Constitution was necessary.
Bill of Rights
Federalist Papers
political parties
Anti-Federalist who said "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
Federalist and First Chief Justice of the U.S.
Federalist and Founder of the U.S. Treasury
Federalist and "Father of the Constitution"
Anti-Federalist and "Father of the Bill of Rights"
Anti-Federalist and organizer of the Boston Tea Party
George Mason
Alexander Hamilton
James Madison
John Jay
Samuel Adams
Patrick Henry