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Electricity ____________________ our homes , our businesses and our communities . We can't see it , but we know it's there .

To understand the electricity , let's take a closer look at how it's made . About ____________________ years ago , a man named Michael Faraday discovered how to make an electric current using a metal coil and a ____________________ .

Most of today's electricity is still made exactly this way . But to generate enough electricity for a province the size of Ontario , we need to move ____________________ magnets around a wire . This is done with a turbine . The force to turn this turbine could come from wind , water , hot gases , or ____________________ .

You can spin a turbine with a natural force , like hydro ( that's water ) or wind . You can burn natural ____________________ directly in a combustion turbine ( the hot expanding gases are used to make it turn ) . This is essentially the same way jet aircraft are powered . You can also burn natural gas or oil , to ____________________ water and use the resulting steam to make it turn . Or you can boil water using heat from a nuclear reaction , which also produces steam to turn the ____________________ . Different energy sources , but all essentially the same result .

Solar power is the only one that's different . Instead it converts sunlight into electricity using solar panels . The photons in a ray of sunlight hit the panel and get converted into an ____________________ current . Hydro , Wind , Natural Gas , Nuclear and solar , here in Ontario we use all of these forms of ____________________ to power our province . And that's what we call generation .