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1 . The ____________________ is a life source coupled with the ____________________ .

2 . Egypt focuses on the ____________________ of a god rather than the god itself .

3 . Temples were only accessible to ____________________ and ____________________ .

4 . A ____________________ could partake when there were assemblies for visiting .

5 . ____________________ was associated with Upper Egypt and ____________________ was for Lower Egypt .

6 . ____________________ is where the Valley of Kings stands .

7 . Egyptians were always revered highly , even by the ____________________ .

8 . When the ____________________ conquered Egypt they didn't change the culture .

9 . When the ____________________ , the only way to communicate to the gods , died , he became ____________________ .

10 . There was ____________________ single set of beliefs .

11 . Even daily activities had some relation to the ____________________ .

12 . Priests frequently tended to the temples so that the land would ____________________ .

13 . The Pharaoh was considered the ____________________ ____________________ .

14 . The ____________________ are older than Stonehenge .

15 . It is divided into three kingdoms , the ____________________ , ____________________ , and ____________________ .

16 . They used to be ____________________ into separate kingdoms entirely .

17 . Floods are welcome because they bring ____________________ ____________________ .

18 . Unless you were upper class , you were a ____________________ of some sort .

19 . The ____________________ god was praised because he came every day .

20 . They believed every person carried the seed of ____________________ , but the pharaoh held ____________________ ____________________ .

21 . You could not enter the afterlife unless you were ____________________ .

22 . Each theory of creation holds ____________________ , the primordial ocean or hill .

23 . The beginning of time is marked by land rising out of ____________________ .

24 . The alternate idea is the a ____________________ rose above .

25 . The deities were formed from the ____________________ of the ____________________ ____________________ .

26 . Death is not something you ____________________ if you led a just life .

27 . The ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ would help you through the afterlife , ad 42 judges determined your fate .

28 . ____________________ were considered food for prisoners .