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Dear Class
Thanks for helping me this time since my wife and I are celebrating our wedding in Guatemala we are going to be out for three weeks . I`ve already told Chris to give you the keys of our house by tomorrow morning . Besides Natalia will tell you what to do with the pets you will find there . For some of you can be familiar since we live in the middle of Ahuchapan . For others it might be confusing , of course , if you are coming from Atiquizaya , Turin , Ataco or Apaneca . If you are traveling by car , you can take the second Avenue that it is exactly in front of the first gas station you will find when coming to Ahuachapan . If you come by bus that can be a little different because you have to get off the bus near Super Selectos and the easy way to get to our house is to take a mototaxi . It just costs you fifty cents ! If you are walking you have to take the Second Avenue exactly where there is a traffic light . ____________________ that there is a small park in front of it . Then ____________________ straight on that Avenue . ____________________ exactly four blocks . Our house is in front of a bakery , the Ban Ban . There`s a bank next to it and there is also a phone booth . It`s a two flat green house . Please ____________________ the instructions in order to avoid misunderstandings . ____________________ all the rooms every day . ____________________ that the air conditioning works perfectly . ____________________ if the mail is on time every day . ____________________ the food for you to eat according to the shopping list we have suggested . ____________________ stay up late since we had some problems with the neighbors next door some weeks ago . ____________________ to music is not allowed since our grandma is terrible sick . ____________________ her the food exactly at the time we say and do not forget to give her medication every five hours . Phone calls are ____________________ till 9 pm . ____________________ the 5 dogs you will find in our backyard and ____________________ careful with the exotic birds we have there . ____________________ them the food as we have established in the note you will find next to the TV . ____________________ panic if you listen to strange noises or see things at night . That`s really common to happen in our house . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ our house and rotate according to the list we sent you to your face book . ____________________ your best and we will pay you when we return home .
Sincerely ,
Romeo and Julie t