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Vocabulary 12 Fill in the Blanks
Author :
Manuel Mazariegos
She was the ____________________ of grace , her every movement an epitome of elegance .
In the depths of his heart , he harbored the ____________________ of envy , poisoning his every thought .
The ____________________ elder sat under the ancient tree , wisdom etched in every line of his weathered face .
His generosity knew no bounds ; he was a silent ____________________ , blessing lives with his kindness .
With reckless abandon , she lived as a ____________________ , squandering fortunes on fleeting pleasures .
The ____________________ tribes revered the land , for it held the stories of their ancestors within its very soil .
Amidst the bustling ____________________ of the city , she found solace in the quiet corners of the library .
The ruins stood as a solemn ____________________ of a once - great civilization , whispering tales of past glory .
The old ____________________ gazed into the fire , unraveling the mysteries of fate with each flicker of flam e
In a world of compromise , she held fast to her integrity , a beacon of honesty and ____________________ .