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1. Rene Descartes
am think, I therefore I.
2. Bruce Lee
[Pista de audio]
friend water, my Be.
3. Socrates
nothing that know know I I.
4. Julio César
Veni, vidi, vici.
5. John Lennon
[Pista de audio]
not Make, love war.
6. Rosa Luxemburg
notice chains Those don't who their don't move.
7. Friedrich Nietzsche
stronger doesn't makes kill you you What.
8. Mahatma Gandhi
the to change world you yourself If, change want.
9. Grace Kelly
solve problem can't any Fury.
10. Beethoven
improve can unless you it the Never silence break.
11. Jane Goodall
to human makes What ask questions us hability our is.
12. Nelson Mandela
the can weapon powerful world most Education the change use is you to.
13. Benjamin Franklin
learn I Teach I me.
Involve and and remember me.
and I me Tell forget.