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Better Business Bureau

burden of proof

no true Scotsman

red herring


straw man

hasty generalization

acnecdotal evidence

false dichotomy

a logical fallacy where someone twists your words in order to make them easier to argue against

a logical fallacy where someone says something like, “No true _____ would ever ______” instead of explaining why something is bad or wrong

a logical fallacy where someone avoids giving proof by saying “Prove me wrong!”

a company that reports on businesses and charities to let people know if they’re trustworthy

a logical fallacy where someone draws a conclusion without enough evidence

a logical fallacy where someone responds with something related to the topic, but they didn’t actually answer the question

someone who cheats people out of their money

a logical fallacy where someone claims that only two options are possible when there are actually more

getting people to know who you are, getting them to like you, and getting them to buy something from you

a logical fallacy where someone gives only their personal experience instead of any verifiable evidence