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1. Starting your discussion
I Sfirst Sgo SShall? S
2. Starting your discussion
go OOf, O Oahead Ocourse. O O
3. Expressing your opinion
I Aam Aconcerned Afar Aas AAs A. A. A. A
4. Expressing our opinion
that Iseems Ime Ito IIt. I. I. I
5. Expressing our opinion
of Fmy FFrom Fpoint Fview, F F. F. F. F
6. Expressing our opinion
way Tsee TThe TI Tit. T. T. T
7. Asking for your partner's opinion
visiting Wmuseums Won Wyour WWhat's Wtake? W
8. Agreeing
what, Y Yyou Ysee Ymean YYeah YI. Y Y
9. Agreeing
is Tabsolutely TThat Ttrue. T T
10. Disagreeing
am Isee Iafraid Idon't Isame Iit II Ithe II Iway Iin. I I
11. Disagreeing
I Ymight Ydifferent Ya, Y Yview Yright YYou Ybe Yhave Ybut. Y Y
12. Disagreeing
agree Ttrue Twith Tbut, T Tyou TI'm Tnot Tbe Tmay TThat Tsure TI. T T
13. Changing the subject
option Rquestion Rmuseums Rthe Rbest RRegarding, R RI Rthe Rvisiting Ris Rtask Rof Rthe Rthink. R R
14. Changing the subject
I Afor AAs Ais Abelieve Atour Aa, A Aon Asightseeing Agoing Abeneficial Ait. A A
15. Conclusing the discussion
Shall Sto Sthese Soptions Swe Sstick? S
16. Concluding the discussion
Shall Sthis Sagree Son Swe? S