Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
A : Excuse me . How much are ____________________ shoes ?
B : ____________________ $279 .
A : And how much is ____________________ bag over there ?
B : ____________________ only $129 .
A : And are the two gray ____________________ $129 , too ?
B : No . ____________________ are only $119 .
A : Oh ! ____________________ store is really expensive .
A : Can I help you ?
B : Yes , please . I really like ____________________ jeans over there . How much ____________________ ____________________ ?
A : Which ones ? Do you mean ____________________ ?
B : No , the black ____________________ .
A : Let me look . Oh , ____________________ $35 . 99 .
B : That's not bad . And how much is ____________________ sweater here ?
A : ____________________ only $9 . 99 .