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The passive voice Is formed the passive voice is formed by the verb to be + another verb in past participle .

Change the sentences from active to passive voice

1 . The Chinese invented paper around 100 C . E .
Paper ____________________ ____________________ by the Chinese around 100 C . E .

2 . He ate all of the cookies .
The cookies ____________________ ____________________ by him .

3 . I wrote the speech for the president .
The speech ____________________ ____________________ for the president .

4 . Mark Twain wrote " The Adventures of Tom Sawyer " in 1876 .
" The Adventures of Tom Sawyer " ____________________ ____________________ by Mark Twain in 1876 .

5 . We will complete the renovations next week .
The renovations ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ next week .

6 . They pay us every Friday .
We ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Friday .

7 . Did they deliver your new sofa ?
____________________ your new sofa ____________________ ?

8 . The students will give a presentation tomorrow .
A presentation ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ tomorrow by the students .

9 . They make many movies in Hollywood .
Many movies ____________________ ____________________ in Hollywood .