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Last week , I ____________________ soccer with my friends . ( play )
Alondra ____________________ a house for the weekend . ( rent )
A : ____________________ you ____________________ Brian to the party ? ( invite )
B : Yes , I ____________________ .
Vianey ____________________ ____________________ her room yesterday . ( not clean )
Saúl and Mía ____________________ a scarey movie last week . ( watch )
Crison and Arleth ____________________ all night after class . ( chat )
Martha ____________________ to study for her final test , but she couldn't concentrate . ( try )
A : Where ____________________ you ____________________ on your last vacation ? ( stay )
B : My family and I ____________________ at a Hotel called Encanto . ( stay )
I ____________________ my grrandparents last week . ( visit )
I ____________________ after my nephew two weeks ago . ( look )