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Jouer Devinette

In the realm of speeches, I silently speak, Though not with words, my message is unique. I convey confidence or betray nerves, In subtle movements, my story curves.

A twitch, a shift, a subtle glance, In every gesture, I take my chance. I amplify your words, or sow doubt, In every movement, I'm there throughout.

With arms outstretched or hands held tight, I shape perceptions, both day and night. In the cadence of your steps, the tilt of your head, I whisper volumes of what is unsaid.

I mirror your emotions, reflect your mood, In every posture, I'm subtly imbued. I guide the audience, where words may lack, In the language of presence, I make my impact.

So heed my silent language, for it's more than mere, It's the silent symphony that the audience holds dear. For in every speech, I play a vital role, A silent partner in your quest for soul.