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Why is asking good questions important ?

Questions are essential in ____________________ with our environment , so asking questions more consciously leads to ____________________ more effectively with the context and getting the most out of the interaction . When we ask good questions , we ____________________ deeper ____________________ and understanding , fostering stronger ____________________ and driving growth and ____________________ .

The quality of an ____________________ / information is closely related to the quality of the question . Projects that have a ____________________ impact and create more value are those in which the questions asked enhance human ____________________ with their ____________________ . A well - crafted question not only elicits answers but also prompts critical ____________________ and exploration .

Components of a question

A ____________________ question requires time to be thought through and shaped . The more awareness there is about how the question is constructed , the greater the benefit in the information obtained . The question is built from three components : the purpose , the context , the source . Each component plays a ____________________ role in shaping the question to extract ____________________ insights .