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Sophie : Hi , Sam . I ____________________ ____________________ you at the disco on Saturday . Where ____________________ you ?
Sam : My parents and I ____________________ to Edinburgh .
Sophie : Really ? ____________________ you ____________________ up there ?
Sam : No , we ____________________ , we ____________________ the night train .
Sophie : How ____________________ that ?
Sam : It ____________________ fine . We ____________________ a sleeper . We ____________________ there Saturday morning . I ____________________ ____________________ much though !
Sohpie : What ____________________ you ____________________ in Edinburgh ?
Sam : Well , we ____________________ up Arthur's Seat .
Sophie : Arthur's Seat ?
Sam : ____________________ a hill next to Holyrood Palace - the castle . I ____________________ ____________________ to the top . It ____________________ too high ! Then we ____________________ the castle , then we ____________________ shopping and ____________________ around the city but I ____________________ ____________________ that . I ____________________ very tired so I ____________________ back to the hotel and ____________________ a rest .
Sophie : Oh , Sam ! That's terrible ! Next week , ____________________ ____________________ to the gym with me !