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Tit for tat . I talk about rules at home and you talk about rules at work . It's fair , isn't it ?
Ok . I ____________________ use the phone during lunch . I ____________________ be late for school . Of course , I ____________________ miss classes and I ____________________ fight with my mates . However , I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ do homework every day and I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ study as hard as you did when you were my age . What else ? I ____________________ be tidy , organized and sensible . What about you ?
- Well , I ____________________ wear jeans . They are forbidden . I ____________________ ____________________ wear skirts or dresses . I ____________________ ____________________ be punctual and like you , I ____________________ use the phone during meetings and we ____________________ eat at work . However , we ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ be at work a certain number of hours as long as we do our job . And although we ____________________ eat at work , we can drink as much coffee as we want . I suppose this is for the company's benefit , because the more awake we are , the fewer mistakes we'll make at work .
- Definitely , I don't want to grow up . I prefer my life the way it is now .